Picture of SCP-951.
Item #: SCP-951
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-951 is to be kept in a well-protected fish tank of at least 10 m by 10 m in size. The floor of the tank must be made of ceramic or some other substance impervious to corrosion, as any damage to it will create an entryway for SCP-951. The temperature of the water is to be monitored and regulated through a combination of heat lamps and fans, while the water itself is to be cleaned after every thirty days. The tank is to be visually checked once every six months for any signs of leakage or other damage.
SCP-951 cannot be handled without the use of a full set of protective clothing, including gloves and a helmet, which should always be worn when in contact with SCP-951. During testing, a 6 m pole must also be used to support SCP-951's weight.
Any personnel entering SCP-951's containment area must have their vision inspected for blindness from prolonged exposure to light reflected from off the rod or from sunlight passing through the glass surface of the tank. If prolonged exposure occurs, restoration with glasses or dark goggles is advised.
Once every forty days, samples for x-ray analysis may be collected from various parts of SCP-951's body; all samples should include the rod and the base upon which it rests. The samples are then incinerated in an incinerator outside the containment area. Samples that are not returned should be incinerated immediately and replaced with new ones; if no replacement samples match matches missing samples, Foundation researchers should be notified immediately.
Description: SCP-951 is a 1.5 m tall, cylindrical rod made of steel covered on its outer surface with glass up to 2 mm thick. SCP-951's surface stains dark purple or blue when exposed to sunlight; this staining cannot be removed by any non-electrical means aside from scrubbing with soap and water. Any object touched by SCP-951, except for the rod, will initially appear to be at least partially illuminated after being in the presence of SCP-951 for up to 12 minutes. At this point, the illumination will increase by one level for each minute that passes until the object has been in a light source for 30 minutes (although all nearby lighting conditions must be normal during this period).
SCP-951 was found in ████████, [REDACTED], attached to a large, hexagonal base approximately 2.3 meters in diameter and 1 m high. The base was coated with a layer of corrosion resistant paint, but this coating had been stripped away from areas directly underneath SCP-951 and only functioned as an anti-skidding layer. Although several replacement bases were found around the city upon initial recovery as well as a large stash of additional bases recovered afterward, there are no records of any previous owners of SCP-951.
Addendum: On ██/██/████, SCP-951\'s containment area was breached by a large number of domesticated ducks, which had apparently been released into the area by an unknown party. The creatures were discovered in an adjacent fish tank and dispatched by Foundation security personnel. When questioned about the ducks, the owner of the fish tank claimed that "some people had left some quack-ducks in the tank to mate with my salmon". The owner was taken into custody as a result of this admission, but it is currently unknown how SCP-951 acquired its unusual properties.
The fish tank in which SCP-951 was found has since been destroyed; however, the base upon which SCP-951 rests still exists. Attempts to remove it from its location have failed to date.