Picture of SCP-954.
Item #: SCP-954
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-954 is to be stored in a standard Safe-class locker at Site ██. The door of the locker is to be locked and keyed personnel must wear a Level 3 Security Clearance for access to SCP-954. No more than two D-Class personnel are to be allowed within ten (10) meters of SCP-954 at any time.
Description: SCP-954 is an audio device of unknown type, with the appearance of a steel pipe with a 3/4″ threaded end. SCP-954 is capable of producing any audible frequency ranging between [REDACTED]. It is highly resistant to damage and can withstand temperatures in excess of 2500°C. SCP-954's operation is non-random and its compositions have not been revealed. It only appears to function when connected to a pre-existing musical instrument or musical system, as well as any other device which uses audio playback.
When connected to a musical instrument or speaker, SCP-954 will emit a constant sound consistent with the original audio signal used by said instrument or speaker. Additionally, SCP-954 will produce no sound during silence and sudden pauses in the playback of music. The only exception to either of these conditions is if music played through SCP-954 comes to an abrupt halt; this will cause the sound produced by SCP-954 to increase in volume for several seconds before returning to normal levels.
SCP-954's anomalous properties are further extended when it is used with a mechanical device such as a clock or calculator, which will enable it to play any desired melody while simultaneously counting time. This means that it can be used to play one's favorite song or jazz piece while doing calculations on one's homework, creating an unusual source of entertainment on top of its SCP status.
Addendum 954-1: On ██/██/20██, SCP-954 was utilized in an attempt to facilitate cooperation between the Foundation and the terrorist organization Amneterape. The purpose of this was to buy time for Foundation agents to infiltrate the compound and retrieve classified information from Amneterape personnel. A prototype of SCP-954's effect on a computer was placed within a secure PC speaker array 24km away from Site-98.
Once the speakers were turned on, the sound produced by SCP-954 began playing a series of classic jingles produced by the music company Mneumonics (see Addendum 2). After five minutes, communications from the compound were monitored with high-frequency audio waves and discovered that they were running as they intended. Subsequent searches revealed that approximately twenty percent of listening devices present at the facility had been destroyed during the interference. Further investigation concluded that when Mneumonics issued a cease and desist letter to AMNETERAPE and asked them not to continue, they responded by increasing their losses by an additional twenty percent and began threatening SCP-954's creators.
Further testing has shown that SCP-954 can produce audible signals ranging from [REDACTED] while existing outside of all known laws of physics. It is unknown how SCP-954 is able to accomplish this without being affected by any conventional means.
Test 954-1a: Materials: miniaturized accelerator pedal system from a █████████████ motorbike engine
Results: Extensive sonic interference on all wavelengths until reaching [REDACTED]. Several vehicles within a three kilometer radius had their engines disassembled through excessive vibrations. It was determined that [REDACTED]. Porsche 356 Speedster removed from display collection at ███████'s Museum of Natural History due to damage caused by sonic energy. Attempted repairs have proven completely useless due to excessive vibrations caused by [DATA EXPUNGED].
Bonus question: What record label would you most like to collaborate with?