Picture of SCP-955.
Item #: SCP-955
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-955 is to be stored in a secure containment cage located in Site-42, a former facility for the study of mammalian behavior. The area is to be kept sterile and free of any breeding grounds for existing members of SCP-955.
The cage is to be placed on a 5 x 5 meter platform, with a 5 cm thick layer of concrete surrounding the enclosure. At all times, the platform must be covered with a biohazard cover (see Addendum 955-A). In the event that SCP-955 manifests outside its cage, it is to be immediately contained using standard softsuit containment procedures.
Description: SCP-955 is a group of four individuals (designated SCP-955-1 to SCP-955 -4), which was discovered in ████████, ██████ on August 29, 20██. All four members of SCP-955 are genetically identical and share similar physical characteristics, including white fur, sharp teeth, and a long, prehensile tail. DNA testing has shown that the members of SCP-955 are not related to any other known species.
SCP-955 manifests primarily when at least three members are within one meter of each other and within 100 meters of an open door or window. Instances of SCP-955 will manifest in groups of 3 to 5 while outside their secure containment area. When manifested, instances of SCP-955 will attempt to enter a room already occupied by living human beings.
When an instance of SCP-955 enters an occupied room, it will make its way to a bed or other sleeping area and begin manipulating the individual(s) therein. This manipulation will take the form of undressing the victim and removing all clothing from their body before placing them in a state of sleep-like sedation. Once the victim has been rendered unable to resist, the instance will then move to another sleeping area and repeat this process until all sleeping areas have been accessed. When they are complete, instances of SCP-955 will leave the room and return to their enclosure.
SCP-955 appears to prefer sleeping areas containing individuals who are nude or nearly naked as well as individuals who appear under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Neither measures have proven effective at preventing SCP-955's manifestation.
Addendum 955-A: Surveillance cameras, sound recordings, and a live feed from the containment area may be watched at any time.