
Picture of SCP-959.

Item #: SCP-959

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-959 is to be kept in a standard locked safe within Site-██. Should the need arise for testing, permission from a Level 4 personnel must be obtained. Due to its anomalous properties, SCP-959 must not be worn by any person other than Dr. ████████ or Dr. █████, and must not be worn by any other member of SCP-959's containment team.

Description: SCP-959 is a worn Panama hat with a black visor. The brim of SCP-959 appears to have been removed and replaced with an unknown object, approximately seven centimeters in length. This object consists of two parts: a small handle with a round knob on the end, and a flat, thick disc at the bottom of the handle. This object functions as a miniature mobile landmine, producing a loud explosion when triggered by any person wearing SCP-959 (see Test Log 959).

When placed on the head of another human being, this object will connect directly to the brain and cause significant damage. The specific damage done varies from case to case, but usually inflicts severe trauma and/or death (See Test Log 959). Indirect contact is not noted to have any detrimental effects on the brain.

SCP-959 was discovered in 1989 after it was found lying on the ground near ████████'s house, and reported by local police. SCP-959 had been used by SCP-959's previous owner to kill his family. As it had been dormant for many years, it was deemed Safe by the Foundation, and has remained in containment since that time.

Test Log 959:

Note: testing of SCP-959 requires the presence of two members of SCP-959's containment team. To test how far back in time exactly SCP-959 can affect memories, Dr. ████████ wore SCP-959 for about 10 minutes while Dr. ████████ sat down in front of him and covered his eyes with a blindfold. The results are as follows:

Dr. ████████'s experience is shown below:

Note: the following are notes taken by Dr. ████████ during her experience; she does not remember writing them after the experiment was completed.