Picture of SCP-960.
Item #: SCP-960
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-960 is to be kept in a standard storage locker at Site-19 under the guise of an abandoned filing cabinet. SCP-960's lock has been modified to prevent external access, and may only be opened by personnel assigned to the object's secondary containment procedures.
SCP-960 is to be cleaned by hand twice weekly. SCP-960 is also to be monitored for any signs of corrosion, deterioration or wear of its components. Any such signs are to be noted and reported to the current Head Researcher or Deputy Head Researcher assigned to SCP-960.
The following are not considered an instance of SCP-960:
Description: SCP-960 is a pillowcase bearing a handwritten note "Found in the ruins of [REDACTED]" and a crude drawing of a human face.
SCP-960 is currently believed to be the source of numerous disappearances and extinctions recorded among the aboriginal populations of [REDACTED]. The Foundation was alerted to SCP-960 after reports were filed by members of [DATA EXPUNGED] regarding a variety of unusual phenomena associated with the region, including:
SCP-960 was recovered during a joint Foundation/MTF raid on an undisclosed location in [REDACTED], following a string of disappearances. Initial attempts to identify the anomalous nature of the object met with failure, as its anomalous properties only became apparent when it was removed from its original resting place. The object moved over █ kilometers away from its original resting place before being seized by Foundation forces.
Addendum: Experiment 960-C
Note: Please read if you have not had the experience yourself. This is a completely voluntary experiment. There are no physical or psychological consequences if you do not want to read it, but it will help us better understand how SCP-960 works and how this may change our procedures in the future.
Procedure 960-C: The object is placed in a test chamber which measures well in excess of 1.3\xa0km across. Subject to be used at a later date. The walls of the chamber should be lined with soundproof booths distributed evenly throughout the chamber so that subjects will not know each other's scores or scores for any other individuals who also took part in this experiment. All other standard operating procedures are to be followed in order to maintain the illusion of randomness. The object is then turned on, and all subjects are released from their booths except for each one given a note with a specific number. Subjects who share a booth will lose those points from their score, while those who don't will add them to their score when they exit their booth after the object has been turned off for 8 seconds. Subjects should begin recording their scores immediately upon exiting their booths, using paper and pencils identical to those provided in Procedure 960-B to ensure accuracy of scoring as well as to eliminate bias on the part of participants.
Subject Information:
SCP-960-A: SCP-960-A was selected because of his unique history in relation to SCP-960, including his extensive knowledge of aboriginal tribes and populations throughout [REDACTED]. He was also selected because his opinion on the paranormal in general is regularly sought by various news outlets due to claims he was abducted by aliens while filming a documentary near [REDACTED] which were substantiated by Foundation investigation teams. He met the other testing subjects and was allowed into the experiment chamber with them, but not within his booth, as he was already familiar with it from prior tests with non-anomalous objects.
SCP-960-A was allowed 20 minutes to record his score before being allowed into his booth again, where he repeated the procedure above. Upon exiting his booth, he appeared agitated and nervous, repeatedly scanning over his shoulder before leaving the test room and returning shortly after with an armful of papers under his arm. He set the papers down on a table he partially blocked from view behind him before turning to face another subject, who was still outside of her booth recording her score.
SCP-960-B: SCP-960-B had previously participated in several other experiments without incident and showed a high degree of fearlessness during testing as well as an uncanny awareness of approaches taken during past experiments regarding SCP-960, despite having only heard about it second hand. She recovered her belongings from her booth without incident and returned shortly afterward with an armful of papers under her arm while staring at the wall behind her booth where scores were displayed after Publication 970.