
Picture of SCP-964.

Item #: SCP-964

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-964 is currently being held in a standard humanoid containment chamber in Site-59. The subject is to be monitored via a camera located in the cell and fed three meals daily by D-Class personnel. SCP-964 are to be supplied with any reading material deemed suitable for their intellectual level, as well as a seasonal supply of fresh fruit and vegetables. A minimum of one hour a day must be spent with SCP-964 outside of confinement, preferably outdoors.

Under no circumstances are any personnel to physically interact with SCP-964 unless they are directly involved with maintaining its containment. Any personnel who do not follow this protocol will be reassigned outside of Site-59 and denied access to Level 1 Clearance.

Description: SCP-964 is a female humanoid entity appearing to be approximately thirty-five years old, with long, light-brown hair and a slender build. Despite appearing completely human, SCP-964 displays an abnormally high level of intelligence. It is currently believed to have fully functional ██████ ██████, but no other anomalous properties have been detected.

SCP-964 is a sapient being who, due to its seemingly infinite knowledge of all forms of entertainment, has become one of the most popular occupants of Site-59. Due to the fact that it is a member of the public security branch, SCP-964 has extensive knowledge of espionage, counterintelligence and infiltration procedures as well as several forms of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat.

SCP-964's main goal in life is to escape from its current containment facility, where it claims to be being held by an unknown organization. Throughout the duration of its captivity, SCP-964 has remained undeterred in its desire to escape, and has proven to be extremely resistant to any form of coercion or manipulation. The Foundation believes that SCP-964 will continue its attempts at escaping for at least another decade.

Addendum 964-001: On █/█/2000, SCP-964 created an extensive amount of paperwork, which detailed every possible contingency for its escape. At the time of writing, all information had been updated in accordance with the research and planning however this was not without some controversy from agents.

The containment procedures enacted by the vast majority of the Foundation’s staff were deemed to be thoroughly adequate; a situation that Agent Z█████ expressed his extreme disappointment with. Much of the organization was actively campaigning to prevent SCP-964’s release on the grounds that it would be disastrous should it manage to escape once again. The main argument given by staff against terminating SCP-964’s containment was that it had a strong and unwavering ability to adapt and improve its strategies in order to circumvent any attempt of containment.

Their efforts were believed to have been successful as - despite being one of the more popular individuals currently held within Site-59 - SCP-964 has remained undetected by Foundation agents for over seven years.

Note from Dr. ████████ - Termination? We haven’t gotten him anywhere near high risk or anything since he escaped; he’s too likely to flee at the first opportunity if you try and put him in a cell where he can watch so much TV. I don’t like being told what to do but hey... if anyone wants to take a bet on if he manages to escape in another four years, I guarantee you no less than $10 they’re lucky. -Dr. ████████