
Picture of SCP-966.

Item #: SCP-966

Object Class: Safe

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-966 is to be kept in a standard containment chamber at Site 19. Staff members are not to touch SCP-966 unless they are wearing gloves or other protective clothing.

Description: SCP-966 is a wooden toy car, constructed to resemble the ███████ brand of car. It is currently missing its tires and wheels, as well as its driver (see Addendum 966-1). The model number is ████████ A-2 (see Addendum 966-2 for further information).

If any person other than SCP-966's original driver touches SCP-966, a manifestation event will occur within three hours. There is no apparent physical or mechanical mechanism that triggers this event; it is purely a manifestation event. The manifestations take place in different locations each time.

When a manifestation occurs, it takes the form of an adult human male dressed in a ████████ uniform, apparently watching over the individual who touched SCP-966. They appear to be humanoid, but their shape and size are variable, appearing to be roughly 4 m tall with a mass of approximately 1 ton. They are capable of speaking English to whoever touched SCP-966.

SCP-966's original driver has been designated SCP-966-1 (see Addendum 966-3). They are not affected by the manifestations and have stated that they have no memory of touching SCP-966 prior to their detention.

The entity can manifest anywhere within Site 19's range of view, although it prefers to manifest near the front door, if possible. It can only manifest once per day, and seems to remain present until all manifestations have occurred. The entity has not been observed interacting with other personnel in any way.

Addendum 966-1: The box that SCP-966 originally came in has been lost and presumed destroyed. The addresses of the retail outlets from which it was purchased are as follows:', "Addendum 966-2: SCP-966's original driver, designated SCP-966-1, has been released from confinement. He is currently living with a family of four in a suburban neighborhood near [REDACTED]. There is no evidence that he or his family were involved in any way with the events leading up to his containment (see Addendum 966-4).", "Addendum 966-3: SCP-966-1 has been interviewed several times by staff members. Below is a transcript of his last interview, conducted on 4/26/19█.

Interviewer: Dr. █████

Interview Subject: SCP-966-1

Dr. █████: Do you remember the day of the events that led to your detainment?

SCP-966-1: I can't really say. I was driving my car, and then everything just started going crazy. The same thing happened over and over again, like every time I touched the car. There was this little boy who kept lecturing me about what I was doing wrong and how I needed to be punished. After ten repeats, I finally got tired of it and drove away. Then I saw inside a police department, so I called them up, but they told me to go away because this was none of my business. So I went back home and cooked myself some dinner, but then all the people from the police station showed up and started interrogating me with these weird questions about things like cars and driving. So that's when I tried to drive away again, but you know how it is…everything just got crazy after that; it's all so fuzzy now. Anyways, didn't mean to drag you away from your work, sorry! Looks like you got a lot to catch up on here!

Dr. █████: Thank you for your time. Do you have any last words before we end this interview?

SCP-966-1: Nah…You're probably trying to figure out what's going on after all that stuff happened today, so if anything comes up or upsets you or something, just call me on my cell phone – [REDACTED] 642–4533.