
Picture of SCP-97.

Item #: SCP-97

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-97 instances are to be monitored and identified by Foundation personnel following their discovery. Upon identification, specimens are to be stored at Site-16 in storage locker L-10, or as a specific instance of SCP-97, for research purposes.

Description: SCP-97 is a phenomenon affecting the mental content of individuals who have read a given article from any publication of the magazine "Family Circle". SCP-97 has effects similar to memetic amnestic in that it will erase memories, feelings, and concepts related to the identified article from the affected individual. The effects are consistent with established memetics, and are considered to be the result of editing of emotions and memories.

The affected individuals have no unusual reactions or experiences during the process, but will have difficulty relating to items that they were previously familiar with. The original effect duration is three hours, but an upgraded containment procedure has been implemented in order to slow down the duration of SCP-97's effects and prevent permanent damage.

SCP-97 has multiple instances per magazine issue.

Addendum 97-1:

Update ██/██/████:

SCP-97 is currently being observed to have a severe effect on the mental state of individuals who read an article from "Family Circle". Affected individuals have shown signs of paranoia, depression, and other similar conditions, and several former Foundation staff have been terminated before they could be properly contained.

Individuals affected by SCP-97 are to be kept in monitored isolation, and will be exposed to the affected article in order to prevent the effects of SCP-97 from progressing further. Requests to remove SCP-97 to another object class and location have been denied due to the severity of the anomaly.