Picture of SCP-974.
Item #: SCP-974
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-974 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell. SCP-974 is to be restrained by a series of manacles, designed and constructed to prevent the premature release of SCP-974's full potential. SCP-974 is not to be exposed to any colors except black or white.
Description: SCP-974 is a Caucasian male of approximately 34 years of age. SCP-974 has an average build, and stands at 1.78 meters tall. SCP-974 is constantly in a state of deep sleep, but will occasionally awaken for brief periods at random intervals.
Shutting SCP-974's eyes for more than fifteen (15) seconds will cause it to enter a state of coma for a period of one (1) minute before reawakening, though this does not appear to affect the probability of its awakening in the future.
SCP-974 possesses an exceptionally high resistance to pain and damage, with injuries that would normally be fatal only having a temporary effect on it. This property extends to all forms of electromagnetic radiation, including visible light and infrared frequencies. The only exceptions to this are:
SCP-974 has been known to spontaneously generate black and white swirls, some with complex patterns and others consisting primarily of straight lines, during periods of severe stress or fatigue. These swirls typically occur when SCP-974 is under duress, and can be highly distracting to test personnel.
SCP-974 has shown no preference for colors other than black or white. It seems capable of discerning colors from their context; for example, red appears as white when viewed next to a darker color. This was demonstrated once when it occupied a room completely in white light, and was seen by Agent █████ as "a huge blanket made entirely out of tiny red dots". It somehow managed to discern the difference between red and white despite being unable to see any colors except black or white themselves.