Picture of SCP-983.
Item #: SCP-983
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-983 is to be kept inside a secure chamber in Site-24. The chamber is to remain at least 35 km away from any urban or metropolitan area, and all personnel are to have at least 10 minutes of uninterrupted time with SCP-983 before the phenomenon begins. Personnel are not allowed to interact with SCP-983's anomalous properties during this time.
Testing has shown that SCP-983 is capable of communication, and can be interacted with by speaking aloud. All communication must take place in English, and any queries or questions will be answered by SCP-983. This communication is currently limited to verbal communication only.
During testing, SCP-983 will begin to make facial expressions while maintaining its normal posture and breathing patterns. These expressions are considered non-anomalous, but they do cause mild discomfort when observed by personnel not directly involved in testing. Personnel are able to leave the room during these periods of time, but must return within 10 minutes of their departure.
SCP-983 was brought into Foundation custody on ██/██/████ following [DATA EXPUNGED], after being recovered by the [REDACTED] Police Department in [REDACTED]. The corpse of Agent █████ █████████ had been found in the trunk of her personal car outside a local bar. A note was also found next to the corpse, which read:
You should have expected it! Not so surprised? Your loss. You should have stayed home more often for the past 3 months, you know that? I'm afraid I'm going to have to dispose of you now. Sorry about that, but you still deserved it.
Description: SCP-983 is a 34 year old Caucasian male. It has been confirmed that SCP-983 is biologically identical to Agent █████████, and the note found next to her corpse states that it was in fact her corpse that was discovered in the trunk of her car.
SCP-983 is able to communicate using its anomalous properties, which include the ability to control facial expressions and speak. The phenomena began during a routine field test with SCP-983, when [DATA EXPUNGED]. After this incident, all testing has been limited to verbal communication only.
Addendum: SCP-983 has been extremely vocal with its claims, and has not answered any questions related to the formation of the Foundation or its goals as of yet. It does however, have a desire for the world to see it as a "good person", and claimed that it is "trying its best to see everyone happy".
Addendum: SCP-983 has recently begun to display some facial expressions, and what appears to be emotions. It seems to have a violent anger directed towards certain personnel. It does not appear to have a specific person in mind, but will sometimes mention having "made a big mistake". It also seems to have some sort of feelings of guilt when it mentions seeing death, saying "it\'s all my fault…"
The following is a transcript of a test session with SCP-983, who was responding to questions regarding the formation of the Foundation.
Research Assistant ██████: What was the goal of the Foundation from its inception?
SCP-983: That\'s not really important. We\'re trying our best for everyone to be happy! You all have your own goals, and I\'ll leave you alone.
Research Assistant ██████: Do you know who I am?
SCP-983: Yes. I\'m sorry about Big John though… I should\'ve warned him earlier that he couldn\'t do this anymore. He died too early.
Research Assistant ██████: Can we bring him back?
SCP-983: No… it would be wrong; he\'d hate us now. The little boy was just as bad as Big John, but he didn\'t want to be part of the Foundation like he said… he could still be saved though. But after we don\'t care about him anymore… The other one I can\'t save… his soul is gone already… I\'m… sorry about your dumb kid…
I…. I can\'t fix it anymore….. please…. leave me alone…..