
Picture of SCP-984.

Item #: SCP-984

Object Class: Thaumiel

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-984 is to be kept in a standard containment locker at Site-47, accessible only by Level 3 personnel with a high level of authorization. Any Foundation personnel with unauthorized access to SCP-984 must immediately report their actions to the object's current caretaker, and do not allow themselves or any other personnel to come into contact with SCP-984.

Communication with SCP-984 requires the use of an approved audio device ("magic phone") that has been specially modified for this purpose. The phone must have been configured by the current caretaker of SCP-984, and may not be modified or updated in any way without express permission from the assigned supervisor.

All communication between SCP-984 and non-Foundation personnel must be carried out via approved protocols. All communications must be recorded and transcribed weekly, and archived for future study.

SCP-984 is to be kept on constant lockdown while it is in containment. At all times, a Clearance 4 or higher should be present to ensure the protocol is being followed. If the protocol becomes compromised, the current caretaker must immediately report this development to their supervisor and request assistance from a Level 3 Agent.

Any Foundation personnel who fall under Class D amnestics are prohibited from contacting SCP-984 until they are cleared by their superior officer, as well as SCP-984 itself.

Description: SCP-984 is a silver, highly polished, and engraved object that measures 2.2 cm x 1.8 cm x 0.5 cm in size. The object bears a stylized 'C' and 'X' design symbol on each side, as well as the words 'MADE BY: CUSTOMER SERVICE' at the bottom.

SCP-984 can be used to contact any computer system connected to the Internet, regardless of whether such a system has even been previously configured to do so. SCP-984 will also work with any device with an active internet connection, such as smartphones or tablets. Further, SCP-984 will not function if it is connected to any other device or system that is not running a fully functional operating system (OS).

SCP-984's effects extend to any person who communicates with SCP-984 via said computer system or device (including but not limited to human subjects and animals). Any use of SCP-984 for these purposes results in the affected persons being converted into traditional, non-anomalous humans with no discernible differences from their original condition; this process generally takes 20 minutes to complete and begins with the subject feeling a sudden pain in their stomach area and experiencing severe cramping throughout their body.

As soon as this process is complete, the subject will immediately become conscious again, and will display no memory of what they experienced while under the influence of SCP-984. All non-humanized individuals will behave in the same manner as normal humans would.

The only known method of de-humanization at this time is through the use of approved amnestic treatment protocols (see Addendum 984-1), which are applied to all potentially affected personnel after they are removed from contact with SCP-984.