Picture of SCP-990.
Item #: SCP-990
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-990 is to be kept in a standard humanoid containment cell, with two (2) copies of the written standard for humanoids found in Volume Two of the Humanoid Containment Manual. SCP-990 is not allowed to be held outside its cell except during testing. Any humans observed approaching SCP-990 are to be detained and interviewed under armed guard.
Description: SCP-990 is a human male of fair complexion, 5'10" tall, weighing 140 lbs. It has a bald head, with a small patch of hair on the back of its head that has been dyed white. SCP-990 has blue eyes and wears reading glasses.
SCP-990 displays numerous abilities:
SCP-990 has shown no anomalous capability outside of its ability to communicate with spoken language, which appears to be limited to English.
SCP-990 was captured on ██/██/19██ after it was found in an abandoned building in ████, Oregon. It had been impounded by a local animal shelter from the remains of a house fire, which apparently killed its family (see Interview Logs 990-A and 990-B). SCP-990 was released from custody after it was determined not to be a threat to the public.
Addendum I: On ██/██/19██, Nine (9) humans held near SCP-990 were interviewed and asked where they were from. A transcript of these interviews appears below.
Interview #990-A:
Interviewer: Dr █████
Interviewee: [REDACTED]
Dr. █████: Pardon me but, how old are you? Do you have any siblings?
[REDACTED]: I’m 22 years old, and no. Honestly, we have no clue how many siblings she had. After the fire, my parents couldn't find out any information about them.
Dr. █████: So you don’t know anything about your family?
[REDACTED]: No. Just… there was a fire and we don't know what happened to them, that's all.
Dr. █████: Are you sure it wasn’t a home invasion? It would help if you can describe your home when it was still standing so that the cadaver dogs can track down the perpetrators. Are there any valuables in your home? Any pictures or documents that might be of use to us? Anything at all?
[REDACTED]: Well, my parents kept a few pictures of us as kids, but nothing of value worth stealing or burning down. There’s a piano in the living room thanks to my dad's love for music, but other than that not much at all. When we moved there the house looked like it needed some repair work done so… nothing much there either way. I think all the major stuff is gone in some kind of fire incident towards the back of the place though. They didn't have much anyway. Just some old documents and then some furniture they were getting rid of to buy new stuff when they got their new house…
Closing Statement: The original transcripts contained inaccurate descriptions, with oral reports being transcribed as handwritten text in many cases (see Addendum 990A). The interview transcripts follow the original transcripts mostly with only minor changes in wording and punctuation.