
Picture of SCP-992.

Item #: SCP-992

Object Class: Harmless.

Special Containment Procedures: SCP-992 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment unit located in Site-██. SCP-992 should be fed at least once per day by personnel using approved feeding procedures.

At no time should SCP-992 leave its containment unit. Personnel are to keep SCP-992 in a seated position at all times, and are not to allow SCP-992 to touch the ground. Personnel are reminded that SCP-992 will attempt to escape if it believes it's being abandoned.

Description: SCP-992 is a human female, approximately 35 years of age. SCP-992 has been classified as a Level 3 Humanoid Entity by the Foundation, and possesses physical strength equivalent to that of a Category 2 humanoid. SCP-992 is capable of using basic hand-to-hand combat moves against hostile entities, but is unable to perform any other functions with its hands.

SCP-992 also possesses an accelerated regenerative ability. When injured, SCP-992's damaged limbs or organs are rapidly regrown at a rate of ██% per 24 hours. At this point in time, no one has been able to determine how SCP-992 is able to regenerate tissue; all testing has been halted due to the potential for uncontrollable catastrophic events if the subject is allowed to continue regrowing its body mass at such a rapid rate.

Should SCP-992 be separated from its containment unit for longer than three (3) days, it will attempt to return once possible. This can take a variety of forms, ranging from simply crawling back into its containment unit to attempting to scale the walls and escape entirely. If SCP-992 cannot accomplish this feat, it will attempt to find a location where it could have possibly escaped and have an emotional breakdown.

If allowed to roam free by itself or while being left unattended, SCP-992 will attempt accidents on numerous occasions throughout the course of its life. In the past year alone, SCP-992 has caused ██ vehicular accidents totaling ███ deaths, ██ serious injuries, and ██ counts of vehicular manslaughter. All injuries sustained by civilians in these cases were treated and recovered by Foundation personnel before news media were informed about the incident.