Picture of SCP-995.
Item #: SCP-995
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-995 is to be kept in a standard containment locker within Site-19. No research of any kind is allowed on or into SCP-995 without the express permission of at least one (1) Level 3 personnel with at least five (5) years of experience in the field of religion.
Description: SCP-995 is a collection of fourteen (14) folders, each with a different label. This collection is made up of two folders labeled "SCP-995" and an additional thirteen (13) labeled "SCP-995-1", "SCP-995-2", etcetera. Each folder is lined with textured white paper and contains a black, plasticized cardboard folder. The only contents within these folders are handwritten notes and documents.
Each document describes a different religious group or doctrine, most of which are heavily associated with Catholicism but also include several other religions and interpretations of Christianity such as Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. All documents within SCP-995 have been translated into English by Foundation personnel fluent in Latin script. The text within the documents has been transcribed verbatim from the original Latin documents; however, many misspellings and obvious errors in grammar have been left intact.
When one (1) folder is opened, it will be empty except for the writing on its front cover. When multiple folders are opened simultaneously, all contents within them will be duplicated in the order they were originally placed within the containment locker. However, opening folders without simultaneously opening others will not result in any duplication. Inside each folder is a note written by an unknown individual regarding how to properly read or interpret the content stored within it.
The following is a partial translation of one document found within SCP-995:
To you who are reading this document,
Have you ever seen something so beautiful that you felt like you could take it home? Have you ever felt so indebted to your Creator that you wanted to give Him a gift? I hope so. I know I have. My parents gave me my first copy of the Bible when I was nine years old. And since then I've read countless more throughout my life, although I personally feel that they've gotten less interesting over time. But then again, maybe I'm just getting old and tired of them…
Regardless of what they say or how boring they may seem, there is nothing quite like reading a good book or listening to some soft music while being wrapped in a warm blanket on a cold winter day. It's what makes us human… Although if you keep reading this document you'll find out why God didn't want us to know about Him at all…
I trust that your night stand isn't completely bare, but if it is then please do me a favor: fill it with some good books or CDs before your next vacation! Also make sure to reserve that special place in your heart for our Lord and Savior because He will definitely want it back…
In His name.