Picture of SCP-996.
Item #: SCP-996
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-996 is to be contained in a standard humanoid containment cell with a palatial suite of four (4) bedrooms, two (2) bathrooms, and a dining area. SCP-996 is to be fed three (3) times daily. SCP-996 is restricted from interaction with the general public for the purpose of maintaining its anomalous properties. SCP-996 is to be permitted an unlimited amount of time for recreational use of its quarters and facilities.
Description: SCP-996 is a male humanoid, approximately 2.6 meters in height and weighing approximately 78 kg. SCP-996 has the appearance of a young adult human male in his late 20s. SCP-996's skin is light green in color and has not developed any noticeable melanin pigmentation. Hair growth has been noted on the back of SCP-996's head with some areas of hair growing down its back while other portions have grown over the ears and at the nape of SCP-996's neck.
SCP-996 demonstrates an unusual level of resistance to injury, allowing it to recover from minor injuries within minutes and major wounds within hours. SCP-996 suffers no ill effects from movement or ingestion of food or water. SCP-996 also possesses an extraordinary ability to conceal itself by changing the color and texture of its body mass to match that of its immediate surroundings. When concealed, SCP-96 acts as though it were completely invisible, ignoring all attempts made to interact with it. Attempts to make visual contact with SCP-996 have yielded results consistent with those produced when attempts are made to detect the presence of another person, including:
Most notably, when attempting to make visual contact with SCP-96, subjects will instead report seeing no one or 'nothing' before suddenly noticing that they had been talking to someone all along.