Picture of SCP-997.
Item #: SCP-997
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-997 is to be stored in its case at Site-██. All testing of SCP-997 must be approved by Level 2 personnel with Level 3 authorization.
Description: SCP-997 is a small glass bottle containing approximately one pint of liquid. The bottle is opaque, and is composed of a clear glass material with no markings to indicate its origin or contents.
The substance within SCP-997 is impossible to analyze. It appears to be normal water within the chemical composition of a human body, but has shown no anomalous properties in any testing performed on it. If a human being drinks from SCP-997, they will immediately become intoxicated with no discernable cause.
Drinking from SCP-997 for an extended period of time causes the subject to experience a temporary state of euphoria and hallucinations, with the rate of intoxication increasing with each pint consumed.
The effects of becoming intoxicated by SCP-997 cease if the subject ceases drinking from the bottle, though the subject will begin to feel withdrawal symptoms after several days without ingesting the liquid. A standard urine test will always return negative for alcohol, indicating that the subject's body is not using any alcohol for energy.
Subjects who have consumed significant amounts of SCP-997 are capable of predicting when SCP-997 will stop affecting them based upon their own internal physiology. Subjects will also report feelings of discomfort when they are unable to consume more SCP-997.
Subjects have reported a sense of apprehension when they must consume another pint of SCP-997, as the effects will begin almost immediately after finishing the last pint.